Annie Bungeroth is a highly experienced multimedia professional working on social issues and specialising in overseas development as well as working in the UK charity sector.
Present and past clients include Oxfam, CAFOD, VSO, Practical Action, Channel 4, NHS, Sightsavers, Scope and Sue Ryder.
Based in Cornwall, Annie is happy to work locally, in the UK and overseas. Contact her via the links below.

Unfamiliar Distance is a lockdown portrait project
spanning the three lockdowns of 2020/21.
All the images were taken within a mile radius of
Annie's home in West Cornwall.
All the images from the project can be seen
under the UK section of this website.
A publication of the project is also available.
Photos from the project were:
Portrait of Britain winners 2020
Royal Photographic Society 2021 shortlisted
Roma Fotografia shortlisted 2020
Art Gallery 5'14 Public Choice Award 2020
Art Gallery 5'14 selected 2020
Muse Photography Gold Award 2021

'Annie's insight and perception during this filming task was exceptional. Her professionalism and skills showed in her ability to ask the right questions throughout the film, create the right direction and pin point the exact areas of focus whilst filming (with very little direction from ourselves). The finished 'product' was a film that has already been used time and time again. In creating a tool with a very clear message within it, Annie's protrayal of Shannon's experiences has both inspired other young people to work, but also convinced employers that employing someone with a disability is a great advantage for their business - an audience hard to reach and difficult to influence!'
Helen Cahalane,Business Development Manager,
United Response

When heading the multimedia content team for Oxfam I commissioned Annie Bungeroth several times. She is a pleasure to work with, and always delivers high quality photography, with a very human dimension, in her own unique style. Annie's images from the launch of the 'We Can' (end violence against women) campaign launch in Sri Lanka have been used consistently by Oxfam to represent the vision, compassion and strength of women in their fight for justice and equality. I recommend Annie highly.
Lucy Davies

I've had fantastic opportunities to go to amazing places and have met the most incredible people imaginable. Still loads of places to go and people to meet and stories to tell
I tell stories in an empowering, creative way.
Get in touch with me to discuss any ideas, projects and commissions on +44 7941081941.

I am originally from a Fine Art background - more than mere documentation photography has always been part of my creative practice
Naturally drawn to getting the inside story on contentious or under documented issues - gay issues and HIV and Aids in the 80s -though as likely to skill someone up and get them tell their own story than just to tell it myself.
Always liked an adventure -lived up a mountain in Nepal for 5 months.
I lived in Peru and later Spain for several years and so speak fluent Spanish. I have worked across Latin America, Africa and Asia.I specialise in assignments for charities and non-profits, including work on gender, HIV and AIDS, water and environmental issues etc.